Public Sector Labour Law

Fromont Briens' comprehensive and global expertise in human resources management enables it to effectively assist public sector employers, both in consulting and in litigation.

Our team of specialised attorneys assists any public entity (public companies (Régie), public enterprises of an industrial and commercial nature (EPIC) etc.) in the day-to-day management of staff or in the event of a one-off operation.

We offer our expertise to all public actors (State, territorial function and hospital function, etc.) to support them throughout the transformation of the public service and towards a simpler and more flexible management of human resources.

“Rising to the challenge of managing human resources in public institutions.”
  • Upon employment: entrance examinations, employment contract, establishment procedure.
  • Selecting and drafting employment contracts (permanent contracts, fixed-term contracts, project fixed-term contracts so that external skills can be called on to carry out or implement projects, etc.)
  • Managing contractual relationships (contract modification, geographical and professional mobility, disciplinary law, incapacity to work, etc.)
  • Managing sensitive situations (moral and sexual harassment, discrimination, breach of equal treatment, etc.)
  • Vocational training (professional interviews, management of training paths, portability of training rights from the public to the private sector, and vice versa, apprenticeship, etc.)
  • Terminating the contractual relationship (dismissal, contractual termination, voluntary redundancy plan, etc.)
  • Organising and structuring working time (annualisation, system of annual working days)
  • Remuneration policy (profit-sharing bonuses to reward both individual and collective performance)
  • Staff representation (establishment and operation of social committees, etc.)
  • Managing collective relations (assistance in negotiation and drafting of agreements, etc.)
  • Management of social conflicts and crisis situations (strike, right of withdrawal “droit de retrait” and obligation of warning “droit d’alerte”)
  • Restructuring (outsourcing, transfers of autonomous economic entities, market recovery and loss, etc.)