Working time

Fromont Briens adjusts the organisation of working time to the needs and challenges of your business.

The organisation of your employees' working time is an essential issue: identification of needs, negotiation strategy, legal drafting, securing mechanisms, staff deployment. In order to achieve this, we provide assistance at each and every stage of the process, but also in the event of litigation.

To develop or implement a secure legal framework adapted to the requirements and/or constraints of your business, we assist you at each of these key stages:

  • definition of needs, with regard to the economic environment and the type of business activity,
  • implementation of a strategy, based on existing rules and social context,
  • assistance in the negotiation and drafting of legal documentation (collective agreements, memoranda), social compliance charters, monitoring systems, etc.
  • assistance during deployment (payroll issues, drafting of amendments to employment contracts, etc.).

We also represent our clients before the competent courts (labour court (CPH) or high court (TGI)) for their individual or collective working time litigations, at both national and international level.

“Our aim is to provide you with a “tailor-made” tool, while providing you with a secure legal framework that is in line with the requirements of well-being at work.”
  • Discussing new themes that have emerged in recent years (teleworking, right to disconnect, etc.), and the implementation of relevant instruments ;
  • Establishment of technical work organisation for production activities (working time in 2 or 3 8-hour shifts (2×8, 3×8), substitution teams, work cycles, etc.) ;
  • Implementation or securing of all measures related to working time (annual number of working days, individualised working schedules, on-call time,) ;
  • Regulatory analysis and assistance in setting up special arrangements (night work, Sunday work, etc.).